Run 4 rabies

This is what Jim Lasseur did in 2021. Jim has experienced rabies in his close circle. We started a partnership with him in 2021 to fight Rabies. Together we are trying to set up as big a platform as possible for this amazing run and raise as much money as possible.

Watch the video above to hear Jim's story.

Run along!

Jaarlijks wordt door onze Run4Rabies commissie een sponsorloop georganiseerd. Ons doel is om zoveel mogelijk geld in te zamelen voor de bestrijding van het rabiësvirus, ook wel hondsdolheid genoemd. Van het ingezamelde bedrag zullen wij honden vaccineren tegen het virus in Malawi, Afrika. Wil je meedoen met een andere sport? Dat kan via de digitale run! Lees onder het kopje 'Niet in de buurt van Utrecht?' verder. 

Join our sponsored run this year:

  • Who: You!
  • What: Running or walking
  • Where: At the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Utrecht
  • When: the 15th of May
  • Why: No more deaths from rabies by 2030 in Malawi!

We will announce the exact time of the charity run later. So keep an eye on our site! In Utrecht around the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine there will be beautiful courses of 3, 5 or 10 kilometers for walking (3 km) or running (5 and 10 km). You can participate in the run alone, together with friends, colleagues or your faithful four-legged friend!

Read here more about the Run4Rabies 2023 

Not near Utrecht?

No problem! The run can be done both physically in Utrecht and digitally in your own city. Although it is called a run, in your own city it is also possible to participate in other sports such as walking, cycling, swimming, rowing, rollerblading and much more... As long as you cover kilometers for charity, the sport doesn't matter!


About the Rabies Vaccination Project

For our rabies project in Malawi, Africa, we are working with the Global Alliance for Rabies Control (GARC). With their help, we are looking at where most rabies cases occur in the Mzuzu area, and how best to adapt our vaccination campaign accordingly. We also keep track of all vaccinations given in the so-called "Rabies Vaccination Tracker," that way the results of the project can be tracked properly and the information easily shared with the government and other organizations.