
We zetten ons in voor:

  • #Zeroby30. No more rabies in 2030.
  • #EndRabiesnow. Helping underprivileged communities in Malawi (Africa) to combat rabies as fast as possible.

Looking back

To every participant, sponsor, and volunteer, thank you so much for your effort in the previous editions.

Op 15 mei 2024 hebben we een record behaald met maar liefst 69 aanmeldingen en dankzij jullie inzet hebben we ruim €903 ingezameld! Met deze opbrengst kunnen veel honden gevaccineerd worden tegen hondsdolheid en komen we dichter bij ons doel #zeroby30 - geen hondsdolheid meer tegen 2030!

Our planning was in 2023 something else to make you, our sports enthusiasts, as comfortable as possible. Indeed, the Run4Rabies took place on May 24, 2023, resulting in great running weather, a fun day and proceeds of €660. With this we can vaccinate more than 260 dogs in Malawi!

On the 26th of September 2022 45 participants participated. Despite the rain, these go-getters came to support the fight against rabies. It was a beautiful day and we can be proud of the amount raised: €880.80! This money went to the Rabies project in Malawi where we were able to vaccinate 80% of the dog population (22,000 dogs) against rabies.

In 2021 was 182,632 meters traveled by all participants combined. This is as many as 813 times up and down the cathedral tower! With this edition of the run as much as 525 euros was raised, which translates to 300 vaccines

In 2020 44 athletes participated in the digital Run4Rabies. Due to Covid-19, we ran the event online. Nevertheless, we can look back on a successful run with a proceeds of €753.50. These proceeds went to the foundation All Creatures. All Creatures organizes a big vaccination campaign every year around World Rabies Day (28 September), this resulted in the vaccination of 15.000 dogs in 2020!

For the run in 2019 can also speak of a successful, physical sponsorship run for rabies! With 60 participants, an amount of €1092.20 was raised. This amount made a nice contribution to the vaccination of 5000 animals in Madagascar by Traveling Animal Doctors.

Images from previous Run4Rabies edition: