
Vétérinaires Sans Frontières thinks it's important that everyone can get the chance to help out, that is why we contacted different businesses from all over the world, to ask them if they offer any internships.
Ben je geïnteresseerd om op stage te gaan of om vrijwilligerswerk te doen, kijk dan vooral in ons handboek!


There are of course more options available on the internet, so we encourage you to also look for internships yourself! Just keep in mind that there are also a lot of untrustworthy businesses on the internet, especially when you want to work with exotic animals. We tried our best to approach businesses who we think have animal welfare as #1 priority. So, no walk with the animals, no physical contact and limited financial contribution. Do you have a business in mind, but also some doubts?
Don't hesitate to contact us, we think it's important that you put effort in a business that you support 100%.
Be critical with businesses you find online and make sure research well.

We invite everyone to have a conversation with us about different internship possibilities. Are you interested in one or more businesses on our website, do you have questions about why something is or isn't recommended, want to know how you can find trustworthy organizations or do you have tips? Contact us via

Note: We offer no guaranties that the internships will be exactly like they are described down below. A program depends on the season, the present veterinarians and on yourself! We are only the mediator, you can always ask us questions, but we are not responsible for how the trips turns out. 

For more information about the negative effects of wildlife tourism, go to:

For a list of businesses where we don't advice you to go to, Click here

In collaboration with Stichting Dierennood, every year students of veterinary medicine go on internships where they will learn about castration in different parts of the world to help animals and improve on their skills. Students can contact Stichting Dierennood through the to negotiate with different clinics who offer castration-internships. 

After securing an internship students can get materials like sterile gloves, needles and sewing supplies from VSF-Student.

There is an opportunity for every (work)internship to pass the night as cheap as possible. Most of the time the accommodation will be provided by the veterinary clinic of the internship. This will sometimes be a house or apartment. But sometimes also a guestroom or a nearby hostel or pension. More information about prizes you can find on the website.

Almost all the animal shelters are located nearby an international airport, which means that there are usually a lot of budget flight connections.

A lot of the internships are only for 6th year students/graduates, and the minimal duration of stay is for most locations 2 weeks. It is not always possible to castrate yourself, this depends on the clinic and your experience.

For negotiation there is a contribution of 39 euros p.p. exclusive of VAT.

For more information visit

Stage ervaringen boek

Together, we can work on food security all around the world.
With your gift, we improve the future of African families by keeping their herds healthy.

Als de kudde ziek is, sterft het dorp

Als Afrikaanse veeboeren hun kudde verliezen door ziekte, droogte of conflict, verliezen ze alles: hun trots, cultuur, spaargeld en voedsel. Jij kan hen helpen. Maak van de wereld een betere plek en geef Afrikaanse families een betere toekomst.

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