Building our future together.


We all see and feel that the world is in turmoil and big changes are (going to be) taking place. Every person has a different view of our earth and of other people. However, we can conclude that we all want to contribute to something we find important. Especially in these restless times, it is essential that we dedicate ourselves to these ideals. Maybe you can't donate something right now to the charity that carries your ideals or you really don't have time to volunteer. Doing something to contribute lightly to the future is still possible:

I'm talking about legacy. A heavy subject you may think, but it can also be something beautiful.

Why am I writing this?

In the Netherlands it is most common to bequeath to family and sometimes friends. They receive your inheritance (and pay taxes on it). Together with we want to raise awareness for the subject of bequeathing to charity. In fact, you can donate (tax-free) to recognized charities that pursue what you also strive for. You can leave part or all of your inheritance to that charity.

What does this mean?

This means that after you die, you donate to what you think is important. Here you help people, animals or our beautiful nature. I am not writing this as a call to include Vétérinaires Sans Frontières in your will. I am writing this to get you thinking. Recognized charities voldoen aan verschillende eisen waardoor je weet dat je nalatenschap goed besteed wordt. Denk er eens over na. 1% kan het verschil maken.  Een deel van mijn erfenis gaat naar een goed doel. En dat van jou?

Building our future together.

Finally. Drafting a will is easier than is often thought. Click here for the 6 steps you can follow.

-Iris Geerts-

Being there for each other. That's what it's all about.